Sunday, 25 March 2012

A little picture for all the lovely people who made a very special night for Thomas. The bingo caller was simply delectable! What a great night!


Illustration Friday: SWAMP Observe the male of the species at work swamped by the sheer amount of tasks he needs to undertake!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Just returned from a lovely seven and a half mile cycle with Bernie and nearly Sue! Poor Sue had an early puncture and had to walk back, My bike was punctured when I went to saddle it up and I consequently went out on Christopher's! A big mistake! His arms are a lot longer than mine! It was very good of Bernie to go suitably slowly for me to keep up. Great chat along the lanes. Hope lots more lovely cycles to come now the nights will be getting lighter after next saturday. Roll on Summer days!

Wish I was here!

Summer is coming, time to get the bike and walking boots out!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Illustration Friday:'Shades'.... What a great way to look discrete on a hot day!
Illustration Friday: 'Shades'...... Doesn't the world seem a happier place in rose coloured spectacles. I wear mine for hoovering!
Illustration Friday: 'Shades' Yipee! Summer is inching closer!
What are you looking at?
Feeling hungry!